Sponsoring a habitat at Austin Zoo is the perfect way to support our mission and help our animals! We have several habitats and locations around the Zoo that are available for sponsorship at different sponsor levels. Sponsorships are active for one year and do not renew automatically. Your Sponsor sign will be placed at the habitat to recognize your support. If you are looking for a unique way to help our animals, this opportunity is perfect!
African Lioness Habitat Sponsored by Monica Donnor, in honor of Macintosh, Mercer, Brooklyn & Emmerson Donnor
African Crested Porcupine Habitat sponsored by The Lancasters
African Gray Parrot Habitat sponsored for Kevin Kuhl. Sorry that your mean wife won’t let you get a bird of your own –Bonnie/Harvey
Berkshire Pig/Feral Sow Habitat sponsored by with LOVE by Norah & Adele Troutfetter “We Love the Pigs”
Black Bear Habitat sponsored Lovingly byTracie Monroe
Blue & Gold Macaw Habitat sponsored by Austin Parrot Head Club
Boer Goat Habitat sponsored by William & Dorothy Nicolas
Capybara Habitat sponsored by The Leach Family
Cockatoo Habitat (Dino) sponsored by AAA Storage
Cougar Habitat East sponsored by John Resch in Memory of Edward & Garnet Resch
Cougar Habitat West sponsored by John Resch in Memory of Edward & Garnet Resch
Coyote Clover sponsored by In memory of Mark Macha for his amazing love for animals
The Ellen Proctor Habitat sponsored by John Resch in Memory of Edward & Garnet Resch
Feeding Corral sponsored by Lone Star School of Music
Dairy Barn Courtyard sponsored by Dripping Springs Distilling
Donkey Habitat (Bill, Hilary and Chelsea) sponsored on behalf of Lela, Penelope and Celine
Galapagos Tortoise Barn sponsored by The Garland Family
Grant’s Zebra Habitat sponsored Lovingly byTracie Monroe
Gray Wolf Habitat (Denali) sponsored by Gavin Andrews Ash & Oliver Ramish
Gray Wolf Habitat (Aspen) sponsored by Taylor Whitaker
Great Horned Owl Habitat sponsored by Paul and Cathy Green
Grevy’s Zebra Habitat sponsored in Memory of Gail Irwin Hartman
Kinkajou Theo & Pantena sponsored by Jaclyn Remsing and Thanh Ha
Marmoset Habitat sponsored by Skelly Build
Military Macaw Habitat (Pico) sponsored by Nuestro Nuevo Amigo, Pico –Leslie & Will Phillips
Primate Palace sponsored by Karen Phillips & Mike Capps
Russian Red Fox Habitat sponsored by Fox Service Company
Tamarin Habitat sponsored by Skelly Build
Tiger Habitat (Vamila) sponsored by Summit and Shields Fernandes/Guardians of the Tiger Realm
Transvaal Lion Habitat sponsored by John Resch in Memory of Edward & Garnet Resch
Picnic Grove sponsored by Dripping Springs Distilling
Train of Austin Zoo sponsored by Felix Hansen
White Tiger Habitat sponsored by Emilio & Tari Nicolas “A tiger does not need to boast that it is a tiger” Nigerian Proverbs